SlumberJack Beard Balm - Conditioner & Style Enhancer


The overnight beard conditioning balm that’s so much more. Style enhancer. Conditioner. Steaming. Why the name ” SlumberJack” ? – The original intent was an ” It works while you’re sleeping” overnight conditioner but we soon discovered the benefits of other uses. Style enhancer Wash beard with all-natural Beard and Beyond Soap then dry with a towel. With the back of the thumbnail or corner of a comb scrap out a small dime-sized amount. Warm by rubbing between palms. Work through the beard. Style beard with a comb or brush. Conditioner ” It works while you’re sleeping” How to apply: To damp beard Take small amount Warm up in hand and distribute evenly Comb through Go to Sleep* Wash out when you wake Can also be used throughout the day *May cause vivid dreams of you performing magnificent feats of strength and agility.